Live, in-person seminar with Ann Cecil-Sterman in Honolulu, Hawaii on July 26-28, 2024!

 The Miraculous Sinew Channels 

 Do you ever feel that despite all your acupuncture training, you don’t quite nail the treatment of an injury? Do you ever wonder why some injuries don’t respond well to acupuncture or don’t resolve after a number of treatments? Do you find that some treatment protocols work short-term but then the pain recurs? The successful, conclusive and lasting treatment of an injury, be it acute or chronic, is dependent on correct diagnosis of the Sinew Channel affected, and of the underlying systemic factors that allowed the injury to become chronic.

The Sinew or Tendinomuscular Channels bring Wei-defensive Qi to the entire surface of the body. These channels and Wei Qi were first mentioned in the classical texts, the Ling Shu, chapter 13, and Su Wen, chapter 43. In clinic, treatment of the Sinewsdramatically speed recovery after injuries and surgeries, burns, breaks and fractures. Once the correct diagnosis is made, protocols to free trapped Wei Qi in the affected Sinew Channel can result in seemingly miraculous, staggering results in the clinic.

What You Will Learn

This three-day seminar will allow participants to better understand and practice sinew channel treatments. The focus will be on the treatment of chronic injuries. (The seminar will be recorded and all attendees will be given lifetime access to the recordings.) 

Practitioners will:

  • Learn the theory of sinew channels.
  • Learn how to correctly diagnose the affected Sinew Channel (which is not always related to the location of the initial injury)
  • Learn protocols to successfully treat sinews.
  • Observe live case studies of many patients over the three days. Day 3 will be general clinic where Ann will demonstrate treatment of possibly all the classes of channels (divergents, luo, extraordinary, sinews) depending on volunteers’ needs.

After the class, with study and practice, practitioners will understand how to treat reliably the following conditions:

  • Pathogenic factors trapped in the musculoskeletal level resulting in pain, stiffness, tightness, weakness, numbness, neuropathy, along with allergies, digestive issues, mood disorders, hypersensitivity to weather and temperature
  • Acute and chronic injuries
  • New and old scars from surgery or burns
  • The misalignment of joints

The Sinew channels have an intelligence that is not of the mind. This class will be an opportunity to explore how the Sinews are able to hold the body in a state of defense for hours or decades and also learn how to skillfully and compassionately invite that defense to yield. Join Ann Cecil-Sterman, in this live 3-day in-person seminar on the beautiful island of Oahu in Hawaii, as she shares these insights as part of her quest to help return acupuncture to its heart-centered foundation and origins.

About Ann Cecil-Sterman

Ann Cecil-Sterman is the author of the acclaimed book, Advanced Acupuncture: A Clinic Manual, required reading in many US acupuncture schools. The manual is considered a landmark publication in the field, the first and only text with complete protocols for the practice of the Complement Channels derived from her deep study (with Jeffrey Yuen) and clinical practice.

This is the first time a course on this topic is offered in Hawaii. Register early to secure your spot.

Click here to download the registration form.